In this game, you will see a clue like the one above. Each part of the clue refers to a word with a different meaning to the other, but with exactly the same spelling. It;s that simple: “ash” is a type of tree and also the remains of something burnt. It’s really that simple.

When you think you have found the answer, type itinto the answer area and check.

Created on By Marc

Superficial similarities

Superficial similarities, Set 1

Each question has clues to two different words which are spelled and pronounced exactly the same.

1 / 5

Smooth and put away.

2 / 5

To get the small boat, you have to set it off.

3 / 5

It’s a simple small body of water.

4 / 5

Go out with the sticky fruit.

5 / 5

It’s a bad habit for this to hold you tightly in place.

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Created on By Marc

Superficial similarities

Superficial similarities, Set 2

Each question has clues to two different words which are spelled and pronounced exactly the same.

1 / 5

Stay out of sight to get the skin.

2 / 5

A strip of cloth might be good for a collective.

3 / 5

Belonging to a body with two stripes.

4 / 5

Get serious from the back of the ship.

5 / 5

An evergreen might help you deal with the thing you sorrow for.

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© Marc Loewenthal, Iced-Ink 2020. No content may be used or reproduced in any form without express permission.